Research & reports

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Gender Equality Impact Area Strategy - Vision 2030

Collectively advancing gender equality is the central organizing principle of our Vision 2030 and at the heart of CARE’s programmatic and organizational ambitions. By 2030, CARE’s overall aim is to support at least 50 million people of all genders to…


Climate Justice Impact Area Strategy - Vision 2030

The climate crisis affects the poorest and most marginalized people in developing countries, especially women and girls, through the impacts it has on their lives. Our goal is that 25 million people, particularly women and girls, have strengthened their…


CARE and the SDGS: Impact and Learning Analysis 2015-2020

In this report, we account for the contributions CARE and our partners have made to the Sustainable Development Goals, drawing on evaluations, learning summaries or periodic outcome reports from over 1,300 projects and advocacy/influencing initiatives,…


CARE Financial Overview FY2019

In FY2019, CARE spent 85% of all funds raised on programs to benefit communities around the globe. We invest the rest in raising funds and supporting services that strengthen CARE's delivery worldwide. Read the full overview here.