Research & reports

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Tsunami Anniversary - 5 Year Report

English: A Five-Year Report on CARE’s Response to the 2004 Tsunami India, Indonesia, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Thailand December 2004 – November 2009 2 Background The Indian Ocean tsunami sent shockwaves through the world when it hit on the morning of D


CARE Makes Carbon Finance work for poor and marginalized people

English: CARE makes carbon finance work for poor and marginalised people The challenge. The Kyoto Protocol, which entered into force in February 2005, introduced a global framework for reducing atmospheric greenhouse gases. In so doing, it triggered


Pro-Poor Governance of Global Adaptation Funds: A discussion paper

English: Pro-Poor Governance of Global Adaptation Funds A Discussion Paper CARE, Germanwatch and Bread for the World © Hoang Gia Hai Hoang/CARE. Pro-Poor Governance of Global Adaptation Funds A Discussion Paper CARE, Germanwatch and Bread for the Wor


CI Facts and Figures 2009

English: Care Facts & Figures 2009 The world of CARE 2 CARE Facts & Figures 2009 Africa 1 Angola 2 Benin 3 Burundi 4 Cameroon 5 Chad 6 Democratic Republic of Congo 7 Ethiopia 8 Ghana 9 Ivory Coast 10 Kenya 11 Lesotho 12 Liberia 13 Madaga


CARE Tackles Vulnerability to Climate Change

English: CARE tackles vulnerability to climate change The challenge People in many parts of the world are already feeling the impacts of climate change – including rising temperatures, changing rainfall and an increase in the frequency and intensity