Research & reports

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Women and the Arab Spring Report - French

French: Rapport Stratégique de CARE International PRINTEMPS OU AUTOMNE ARABE ? Participation des femmes aux soulèvements et à la vie politique : quelles implications pour les acteurs nationaux et internationaux ? RAPPORT STRATÉGIQUE DE CARE INTERNATI


Jordan Syrian Refugees in Urban Areas Assessment

English: Baseline Assessment of Community-Identified Vulnerabilities among Syrian Refugees living in Irbid, Madaba, Mufraq, and Zarqa. Syrian refugees in Urban Jordan CARE Jordan ∙ Rapid Participatory Community Assessment ∙ April 2013 This report w


International Women's Day Gender Based Violence Issue Brief 2013

English: Issue Brief March 2013 “  With our conduct we can put fear in somebody or we can put love in somebody.”  –  teenage boy from Bosnia discussing masculinity and violence1 PAGE 02 GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE We know what is at the root of the pro


Emergencies: CARE in Action

Our goal for the year 2020 is to continue to strengthen our humanitarian work to have a lasting impact on women, men, boys and girls affected by humanitarian crises, with a special focus on women and girls who are disproportionately affected by disasters…