Petals of a lotus flower: how CARE helped one woman push past her boundaries through economic empowerment

Amt- Al Salam (Photo Credit CARE / Hind Abbas)

Written by: Hind Abbas, Communication Assistant.

The lotus is the most beautiful flower; its petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud, which represents the obstacles of life and its suffering, whether it is sadness, loss, illness, or death. If we want to achieve our noble goals and gain wisdom, kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one.

Despite conflict and hardship in Yemen, 45-year-old Amt- Al Salam is making exceptional efforts to cope with the situation and to fight all norms. With every step she took she was opening a petal one by one. This is her inspiring story.

“Looking back seven years ago, I was completely a different person. My mother was everything to me; I never used to take any step without going back to her. When she passed away, it was very difficult for me to believe and accept the fact that she is gone. I was depressed for a long time until my uncle came to me and asked me if I would like to join him and be his partner in opening a shop specializing in women’s clothing. To me, that was the light and hope I was looking for. I remember smiling widely and I got so happy that I jumped from happiness. And that was the first petal. I opened the petal of dreaming.

In my country, women are traditionally expected to follow be guided by a male figure- their father, brother, or husband. My brothers are the male figures of my life. I grew up in a conservative family where girls are only allowed to complete high school and get married. We were not allowed to work. Discussing the idea of opening a shop with my brothers was a very hard task. They refused but my uncle managed to convince them.  They agreed but on one condition: I would only go to the shop once every two weeks to check how it is going. And that was the second petal. I opened the petal of hope.

After a year, I wasn’t able to just sit and wait for two weeks to be able to go to the shop and stay for only one hour and leave. I had to go and manage it by myself, so I talked with my brothers and I tried to convince them to go to the shop every day. First they didn’t accept but then they were convinced that I go three days a week, with my brother as a guardian, and I agreed. This was the third petal I opened: the petal of determination.

When the conflict began in 2015, things took a dramatic turn. I remember the first six months of the war were very difficult. There was no fuel in the country; the streets were empty; most of the shops were closed and people were shocked by what is happening- we were just waiting for the nightmare to end. My shop was closed for six months and the girl who was working with me refused to come back; she was too scared to return to work, but I had to open the shop. So I firmly talked to my brothers that I should open the shop and stand by myself and they agreed. This time I opened the petal of strength.

My shop is in the middle of a market and surrounded by shops owned by men. Recalling the first day I went to the shop and opened it by myself, my heart was racing so fast; my hands were shaking and I literally stumbled every time I was trying to open the door. I felt like everyone was looking at me but I finally managed to open the door. As time passed, I got used to it and I open the shop everyday by myself. This time I opened the petal of confidence.

A year later, I heard about CARE’s Women Economic Empowerment program. My application was accepted, and I received trainings in microfinance, marketing, and life skills. I remember the first day we started the training. Once I stepped into the training room, I saw 24 women and I felt so amazed. I felt that I was not alone anymore. As we began the training and I got to know the other participants, I was so inspired by each and every one of them. Sometimes I sit by myself and reflect on how the training came at just the right time; how the marketing helped me to market my goods; and how microfinancing helped me to manage the enterprise more and be in control. This was the petal of inspiration and learning.

I was thrilled when I received the loan from CARE. It helped me to buy the other half of the shop from my uncle, purchase more goods to sell such as clothing, bags, and makeup, and expand my shop. This petal that I opened was the petal of empowerment and achievement.

Looking back at life, God has his own mysterious plan. He helped me with every step in his own way. I grew and learned with every petal I opened.

For more on our work in Yemen, click here.