Research & reports

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G8 Summit - Mothers Matter Issue Brief 2010

English: Issue Brief “The mother is the pillar of the family unit. The family unit is the pillar of a society. When we save the life of a mother, we are actually saving a society.” Dr. Max Vega, director, Ayacucho Regional Hospital. CARE is at the fo


Climate Change - Realising Rights_Protecting Forests 2010

English: Accra Caucus on Forests and Climate Change Realising rights, protecting forests: An Alternative Vision for Reducing Deforestation Case studies from the Accra Caucus June 2010 Contents 1 Introduction 04 2 Participation 08 Indonesia - Bett


CARE International Annual Report 2010

In the fiscal year 2010, CARE worked in 87 countries around the world, implementing long-term programs to fight poverty, responding to humanitarian emergencies, and advocating for policy change to help increase social justice and equality.


Haiti Tremblement de Terre Trois Mois Apres

French: Aller de l’avant: Haïti trois mois après le tremblement de terre Réponse de CARE à l’urgence, Janvier-Avril 2010 CARE – Aller de l’avant: Haïti trois mois après le séisme – Avril 2010 p. 2 Les activités ont repris dans les rues de Port-au-Pri


Haiti earthquake response

Given to the extent of the damage of Haiti's infrastructure, much of what had not yet been repaired after the 2008 hurricane season, it will take months before basic services (access to water, sanitation, and health services), particularly in poorer…


CI Evaluation Policy Portuguese

Esta Política de Avaliação é elaborada para ajudar a CARE a realizar a sua visão e missão de redução da pobreza e usufruto dos direitos, através da promoção da responsabilização institucional, aprendizagem contínua, e partilha transparente das avaliações…