Research & reports

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Risk of Relapse - Somalia Crisis Update

Somalia presents a unique and challenging context where destabilising factors like conflict and cyclical drought are a regular feature. While gains have been made, communities still remain only one shock away from disaster. As we learned in 2011, not…


Sahel food crisis

CARE supported drought and conflict-affected communities in the Sahel region of West Africa—in Mali, Chad, Niger, Cameroon—during the previous food crisis in 2011-2012. At the beginning of 2013, CARE scaled up its response when conflict in northern Mali…


Emergencies: CARE in Action (French)

Notre objectif pour 2020 est de continuer à renforcer notre travail humanitaire dans le but d’avoir un impact durable sur les femmes, les hommes, les garçons et les filles qui sont touchés par des crises humanitaires, avec une attention particulière sur…


Emergencies: CARE in Action

Our goal for the year 2020 is to continue to strengthen our humanitarian work to have a lasting impact on women, men, boys and girls affected by humanitarian crises, with a special focus on women and girls who are disproportionately affected by disasters…