Risk of Relapse - Somalia Crisis Update

Somalia presents a unique and challenging context where destabilising factors like conflict and cyclical drought are a regular feature. While gains have been made, communities still remain only one shock away from disaster. As we learned in 2011, not heeding the warning signs of crisis in already fragile communities can lead to tragedy.

Our organisations are working on the ground and know the reality. And it’s not good. Only 12% of Somalia’s humanitarian funding needs have been met so far this year – an additional USD $822 million is still needed. Funding needs to be able to respond to uncertainty and be invested in good time. There is a very real risk that people still in need will not be reached and those already helped will fall back into crisis.

We are in a position now, to make a difference – as long as funds are available and flexible. Without action to address Somalia’s humanitarian and development needs, we are at risk of failing Somalis once more. Just because the figures may look “better”, now is not the time to be complacent.