Factsheet: CARE Ethiopia Gedeo-Guji Crisis

Inter-communal violence along the borders of Gedeo (SNNPR*) and West Guji (Oromia) zones has led to large-scale displacements, damage of properties and loss of life. As of July 14, over 1 million people are estimated to be displaced (822,187 people in Gedeo and 190,000 in West Guji zones). The capacity of the hosting communities to absorb the new arrivals is being strained, with many residing in cramped public buildings and spontaneous sites for displaced people (130 collective sites in Gedeo alone).

Displaced communities, particularly in Gedeo and West Guji, face critical gaps in accessing basic services as the majority left their houses with close to nothing.

Shelter conditions are poor, overcrowded and lack privacy and basic NFIs. Weather conditions are dire (cold, rainy) especially in Gedeb woreda. The water and sanitation situation is intense. Protection concerns are high as there is a very limited capacity and response from partners to date