Nurse Chanthy: Treating Women in Cambodia

Chanthy Deep has been a nurse at a garment factory for over eight years. During her long career at the factory, Chanthy has seen a multitude of workers go through her infirmary seeking advice and help. She started training with CARE at her factory, which is supported through the GSK-CARE Frontline Healthworker Partnership. She says that the training has not only helped her remember things she had forgotten from her former education, but that is also helping her be more confident to advise her workers better on topics such as nutrition and healthy behaviour during pregnancy.

“They are all like my own children!”, she says. “I like to advise them properly, tell them how to eat better and how to look after themselves; what to do if they missed their period and all those things that you do as a mother.”


When pregnant workers come to see Chanthy at her infirmary, she teaches them with kindness and wisdom, how to look after themselves better. She treats them like her own children and shows them what nutritious foods are better for them and what to do during their pregnancy.

Thanks to CARE’s training, Chanthy feels more confident to teach her workers important lessons for their health. She directs them to their local health centre and explains the importance of regular medical check-ups during their pregnancies.

The workers are like her daughters, and she advises them as she would advise her own children. Here, she helps a Oun Chanrith find where the closest health centre to her house is.

Chanthy checks Maly’s blood pressure during one of her visits to the infirmary. She says pregnant women come to see her to get advice on what to do when they are pregnant. “I tell them how to look after themselves and what medicine to take”, she explains.

Chanthy likes CARE’s training and loves taking part during the Health Fair at their lunch break. The fun activities include dancing and playing, and provide key information on communication, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and safe abortion among workers at the factories.

Chanthy can use CARE’s Healthy Mother’s mobile application to help her keep track on her workers’ pregnancy development and educate them on better practices during their pregnancy. “I like CARE’s training because it helps my workers”, she says. “They are like my own children, so I want the best for them!”


 © CARE / Erika Piñeros: Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2018.


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