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Challenging GBV Worldwide: CAREs program experience 2011-2013

English: Introduction: Why this report? Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most widespread human rights abuses in the world. Globally, one in three women will be raped, beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Though women


Sahel food crisis

CARE supported drought and conflict-affected communities in the Sahel region of West Africa—in Mali, Chad, Niger, Cameroon—during the previous food crisis in 2011-2012. At the beginning of 2013, CARE scaled up its response when conflict in northern Mali…


Impact des programmes VBG - CARE - 2011 - 2013

French: le genre dans le monde: des violences basées sur Relever le défi L’impact des programmes menés par CARE Stratégies, résultats et évaluation de l’impact Période 2011-2013 Introduction: Pourquoi ce rapport? Les violences basées sur le genre (VB


Women and the Arab Spring Report - French

French: Rapport Stratégique de CARE International PRINTEMPS OU AUTOMNE ARABE ? Participation des femmes aux soulèvements et à la vie politique : quelles implications pour les acteurs nationaux et internationaux ? RAPPORT STRATÉGIQUE DE CARE INTERNATI


CARE International Annual Report 2013

In the fiscal year of 2013, CARE worked in 87 countries around the world, supporting 927 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects, to reach 97 million people.